Good company, delivers their products with no problem to Switzerland.
Sergio Baptista
These people care about coffee
Buying was just like any other online shopping: you choose the product, you pay, and then it gets sent to you.
What m ...
Beyond Noiz official
Fast shipping to Greece.
Fast shipping to Greece.
Highly recommended.
Georgi Kostadinov
Excellent service
Fast delivery, great products, and excellent service.
Dimitris Kanakis
The site is a bit messy to use from mobile phone, but...
...the prices are good, the orders are processed quickly and... Flair Classic cam ...
Maris Derums
Fast Delivery and good quality.
Original products. Very fast delivery.
Wojtek Bukowski
Good communication with customer…
Good communication with customer service and fast shipping
Tomaz Kragelj
Good experience, lots of coffee accessories to select from, on-time delivery
Clear web store page, delivery within estimate time in a secured and pad ...
Boris Nikolaev Borisov
Fast delivery and awesome product
Fast delivery and awesome product. Bought a Flair 58+. A year or so before I purchased from LessWasteCoffee a Cafel ...
Nice products, quick delivery to The Netherlands (DHL) as promised, trustworthy.
Xavi AC
Fast shipping and excellent packaging.
panos panago
Lesswastecoffee is a trustworthy store
Lesswastecoffee is a trustworthy store, they do care about customers.
Bought my Flair 58 to The Netherlands
Bought my Flair 58 to The Netherlands, arrived before expected and was very well packed. Super happy with the s ...
radu popescu
Excellent handling and shipping
Shipping was fast and perfectly handled, and the passion and knowledge for coffee is evident in the extra material in ...
giovanni Bettini
fast shipping
fast shipping, even during christmas days.
Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus, lai apkopotu un analizētu informāciju par vietnes veiktspēju un lietošanu, nodrošinātu sociālo mediju funkcijas un uzlabotu un pielāgotu saturu un reklāmas. Detalizēti sīkfailu iestatījumi
Mūsu vietne saglabā datus jūsu ierīcē (sīkdatnes un pārlūkprogrammas krātuves), lai identificētu jūsu sesiju un sasniegtu platformas pamata funkcionalitāti, pārlūkošanas pieredzi un drošību.
Mēs varam saglabāt datus jūsu ierīcē (sīkfailus un pārlūkprogrammas krātuves), lai nodrošinātu papildu funkcijas, kas uzlabo jūsu pārlūkošanas pieredzi, saglabātu dažas jūsu preferences bez lietotāja konta vai bez pieteikšanās, izmantotu skriptus un/vai trešo pušu resursus, logrīkus. utt.
Izmantojot analītikas rīkus, mēs varam labāk izprast mūsu apmeklētāju vajadzības un to, kā viņi izmanto mūsu vietni. Mēs varam izmantot pirmās vai trešās puses rīkus, lai izsekotu vai reģistrētu jūsu pārlūkošanu mūsu vietnē, analizētu rīkus vai komponentus, ar kuriem esat mijiedarbojies vai tos izmantojis, reģistrētu reklāmguvumu notikumus un tamlīdzīgi.
Mēs varam izmantot sīkfailus un trešo pušu rīkus, lai uzlabotu mūsu vai mūsu partneru produktus un/vai pakalpojumus un to atbilstību jums, pamatojoties uz produktiem vai lapām, kuras esat apmeklējis šajā vietnē vai citās vietnēs.